Pastor Erwin Benosa, conducting a discipleship seminar among youth ministry leaders
His is just one account of growth that resulted from following Jesus’ blueprint for multiplication. We have seen others and we would like to witness more. We desire more Ptr Erwins who would embrace and implement what Jesus did, experience growth, and coach others towards the same path. We want more like him in order to build movements everywhere.
On the first week of April, around thirty leaders who practice the same ministerial principles – making disciples based on the life of Christ – convened to talk about the same goal. The plan is to set up groups in different parts of Asia, particularly the South and Southeast, where leaders could learn and be given tools in applying the strategy of Jesus.
We are looking forward to how it will all unfold and move us to be more like Him.

Sonlife Asia Leaders Forum, 1-4 April 2019 – Trainers from India, Nepal, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines commit to start Disciplemaking Centers in order to develop more workers who will produce more disciples in more regions in Asia.