Because strategic planning requires more effort than the usual meeting, we decided to meet face-to-face at our ministry center, complete with metacards and other visual aids, to polish ideas and to start preparing for the years ahead.
The start of 2021 brings a fresh, new opportunity to lay down goals and plans for the year and the coming years. While we are over a year into the pandemic and community quarantine measures, we are excited for what the Lord will accomplish even with the uncertainty and restrictions of our time.
On February 3, 4 and 17, we revisited and updated our vision and mission to reflect the adjustments in our priorities. One of the most important changes we decided to take on is the emphasis on coaching disciplemaking leaders over training. We want to immerse ourselves in the community of disciplemakers so that we can push movements further and help leaders become coaches. From our initial geographic target — the Philippines, Southeast Asia, and South Asia — we are expanding our scope of ministry to the entirety of the Asian region.
Here are the revised statements.
● Mission: We exist to accomplish the Great Commission by coaching leaders that multiply disciplemaking movements patterned after the life and strategy of Christ.
● Vision: We see disciplemaking movement leaders in every nation in Asia accomplishing the Great Commission.
While we look forward to the huge work ahead of us, we look toward the One who enables and empowers. On to the promising future.

Last January 18 to 20, the first-ever online Sonlife Asia Summit was held to gather all disciplemaking coaches in Asia. It was a refreshing time of fellowship, learning and revisiting plans and strategies.

Beginning on the 26th of January, two classes were held online for five Tuesday nights and five Saturday mornings to discuss the Jesus Strategy Overview, a seminar on the life and ministry model of Jesus Christ. They were participated by over 70 church and ministry leaders eager to learn how to make disciples as Jesus did.

Last February 10 and 11, No Apologies was held online for the first time in the Philippines. It was led by four facilitators with 14 observers. Forty students from Quezon City Science High School benefited from the four-hour workshop. Among them, 91% pledged to live a life of purity — an empowered life with no regrets, with no apologies.