Jot Velasquez with the women leaders of CBAP
In many ways, we are shaped by the people who gave themselves in discipling and mentoring us. When we look back, we brim with gratitude for how they have journeyed with us through the ups and downs of life and ministry. Looking forward, we are compelled to do the same for others.
For Jot Velasquez, her small group experience as a young pastor’s wife back then formed part of what has encouraged her to make disciples herself. In her heart, there was a clear conviction: “What if every woman leader in church also understood the life of Christ so that they too could obey and be part of the Great Commission?”
This was the vision that led to the Disciplemaking Coaching Center (DCC) among the women leaders of Conservative Baptist Association of the Philippines (CBAP). Jot has been leading these ladies from different regions and walks of life since last year — digging into Jesus’ ministry, studying God’s Word, praying together, and encouraging one another to pass on disciplemaking principles to their respective circles of influence.

Jot and her DCC go through Jesus Strategy Overview online with two other DCC’s.
When the pandemic hit, their meetings turned digital, swapping coffee dates and lunch-outs for virtual Zoom sessions. Indeed, the eagerness to be equipped to become better workers for the harvest was not on lockdown.
We are truly thankful to the Lord for the people who cared for us in the ministry. But more importantly, we are motivated to pay His love forward. We keep on passing it on.

Young adult leaders of Capitol City Baptist Church were joined by leaders from other churches to gather disciplemaking insights from the different stages of a disciple’s growth through the 4Chair Discipling Seminar. The seminar was conducted by a few members of the staff and certified trainers, using Zoom, over five consecutive Sunday afternoons.

Students of TNET Gen 2 (Quezon City) have resumed meeting for their seventh course following a long pause in between due to the inevitable adjustments brought about by the pandemic. They might be utilizing a different means for training but zeal for seeing the Great Commission finished was unchanged.

Focus on the Family Global, in partnership with Wavemakers, recently broadcast a webinar “The Perfect 10 Marriage!” Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley, together with other international speakers from around the world, shared principles and insights on the top five marriage issues: communication, conflict resolution, shared responsibility, time together, and intimacy. Praise God for this opportunity to minister to couples around the world!