Disciplemaking Center – Tabuk, Kalinga currently being coached online by Pastor Marvin Cayabyab
Eager for a touchdown and a decent sleep, we got the dreaded announcement from the captain: we needed to go back to Manila because we could not land in Tuguegarao City. There was zero visibility on the runway that even though we were literally hovering over the airport, we could not make a landing. This was back in January of this year when we were continuing the initial coaching sessions of the Disciplemaking Coaching Center (DCC) in Tabuk. Further back, two years prior to be exact, we conducted the Jesus Strategy Seminar among ministry leaders in that region. Now, after various challenges in between, we are seeing the fruits of those preliminary steps.
Upon arriving in Tabuk and meeting with the members of this coaching center despite changing our means of transport in the last minute, the key leaders embraced Wavemakers’ expansion strategy – reaching Northern Luzon through DCC’s.
One of the leaders is Nico Estrada, the national director of PCCI (Passionate Community for Christ Inc.). He is based in Tuguegarao and has recently added three of his leaders to join the Tabuk DCC with him: Jen who is also in the same vicinity, and Quiel and Lari from Laoag. All of them are actively reaching out to students while coaching other PCCI missionaries in the Philippines.
Together with them in this DCC are three lay leaders (Blessie, May, and Michelle) and three church workers (Pastor Froilan, Pastor Danny, and Jonabeth) of Tabuk Fundamental Baptist Church. Planning to start small groups in various ministries in their church, and among the youth, the singles and the staff, these workers are expectant to see more disciplemakers.
We are looking forward to have them as fellow teachers in Jesus Strategy Seminars once the pandemic situation eases. That will be one of their early training exposures leading towards organizing their own DCC’s in the near future. The vision and work ahead are grand – that is a given – but we dare to dream big and reach the entire Northern Luzon, precisely because we have a big God in Whom nothing is impossible.

This August, more batches of leaders were challenged to commit to new Disciplemaking Coaching Centers (DCC’s) designed to equip them to multiply their disciplemaking impact in their respective ministries and beyond.

TNET-QC Center students were challenged to plan an evangelism strategy to saturate their communities with the gospel. Starting this September, an online evangelistic outreach will be launched to help these leaders to train their people.
Please pray for this endeavor.

This pandemic is a season of recalibration for the trainers of No Apologies in response to the new normal of translating everything online. NA trainers all over Asia have been preparing to bring this life-saving and hope-giving workshop in a webinar format. Wavemakers will soon train the rest of the NA facilitators in the Philippines to reach out to the youth and their parents digitally.
For the love of God and the youth!

Serving God’s Purpose
by Shelemiah “Lem” Castro
“… David had served God’s purpose in his own generation…”
Acts 13:36a
It has been two years since I joined Wavemakers as a full-time staff, heeding God’s purpose for my life: “restoring to the heart of the local church a passion for the Great Commission and Great Commandment living.”* Every step of the journey thus far has been an affirming experience of God’s faithfulness, not only because of His continuous provision and care, but also because of His guidance in clarifying this purpose.
With the opportunities to be exposed and to interact with other disciplemaking movement leaders around the world through Sonlife’s regional forum and study tour, this reality became even more concrete to me: God’s purpose is global. Seeing firsthand that we were not alone in this God-entrusted endeavor was a tremendous encouragement.
Through continuous equipping in TNET and openings to train churches, God has also been establishing the means by which He wanted to use me to accomplish His purpose for my life: coaching and mentoring the next generation of disciplemaking leaders in the Philippines and beyond.
Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, I spur on towards serving God’s given purpose. I look forward to coach a new batch of ministry leaders through a recently established Disciplemaking Coaching Center – our main strategy to multiply disciplemaking movements in the Philippines.
*Taken from Sonlife’s Everyday Commission seminar