This is our staff’s “new normal” – meetings via Zoom to go deeper into Jesus’ life and to discuss how ministry must proceed despite the lockdown. Our Wednesday mornings are certainly rich with fresh insights from Scripture and with vibrant exchange of ideas and opinions. (Photo taken on April 21)
Although the health crisis has put everything on pause, the mission of making disciples remains at work. God is still in the business of producing more Christ-followers amidst human tragedies. Those who claim to be His should all the more actively take part in His grand, eternal plan.

Pastor Randolph and Jot are delighted to carry on working with these Filipino leaders in Oman. Online coaching may not be new to this group but the current global scene definitely makes these meetings even more anticipated by them.

Before the lockdown, coaching this group in Tabuk (Kalinga) was made slightly difficult by transportation challenges. Now, mobility restrictions have opened a door for Pastor Marvin to see them more often for coaching.

Jean regularly meets with young adult leaders of South Metro Manila’s coaching group to provide them with tools for training their own members. Though done in stages and in small groups, they are surely getting equipped for multiplication.

April has paved the way for this group to study the life of Christ together once again. Lem and Shamira will continue to coach these church leaders in small clusters as they resolutely pursue their members’ growth despite the difficulties brought on by the lockdown.
No Apologies Philippines

Anthony Kua
(July 30, 1981 – April 16, 2020)
He was the kind of man who would brighten up any room with a cheerful presence and constant readiness to help. But his bearing was not the only thing that defined him. Among other remarkable qualities, his untiring commitment to the Great Commission made him stand out as a servant of the Master. Up to the very end, making followers of Jesus and coaching other leaders to do the same was his consuming passion. Before God called him home, he gave it his all, like every day was his last.
Pastor Anthony, our dear brother and co-worker, you will be sorely missed.