Category Updates

Jesus Strategy – July 2024

It is always worthwhile to gather pastors and workers from different churches and to see their eyes light up at our Lord’s life and ministry through Jesus Strategy Overview (JSO). This two-day seminar was held on July 6 and 13…

Jesus Strategy Overview – May 2024

Eyes were opened. Paradigms shifted.Hearts turned towards our model Disciplemaker.Pastors and workers dove into the study of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ through the… Jesus Strategy OverviewCBAP Negros OccidentalDisciplemaking Coaching CenterMay 23 & 24, 2024In partnership with CBAP…

Hinigaran, Negros Occidental

What a privilege to partner with God in the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) – to make disciples who will make disciples. What a joy to see pastors and workers commit to obey it in their everyday lives.Everyday Commission training is…

Starting 2022 with a Renewed Perspective

The start of the year is a time for reflection and preparation, looking back at what was accomplished and looking forward to what lies ahead. For us, 2022 began with a gathering of minds in Sonlife Asia Summit on January 18 to 19. Ten country leaders and key coaches all over the region came together to collaborate, assess the ministry, and refocus our vision to fulfill the Great Commission in Asia through disciplemaking.

Multiplying Disciples Beyond Borders

“A disciplemaker is a person who lives continually by the Word of Jesus. A disciplemaker is a person who commits his life completely to the Master. A disciplemaker is one who lives in a fruit-bearing relationship with Jesus. A disciplemaker is one who is…

On to the Promising Future

Because strategic planning requires more effort than the usual meeting, we decided to meet face-to-face at our ministry center, complete with metacards and other visual aids, to polish ideas and to start preparing for the years ahead. The start of…